Wednesday, May 28, 2008

First Posting

Well, this is completely new to me! Before this month, (and my diving into a master's program) I was not even sure what a Blog was. I think that my learning curve is going to be very sharp as I am immersed into technology.

I guess I will start with my first aha thought of the week:
As I was reading Pensky's article Engage Me or Enrage Me I wondered why I had never even considered kids need changed instruction. It is such a simple concept, yet I had never stopped to consider its implications. I know that kids today are different from when I was in school, yet we try to teach them the same things in the same way.
This concept is thrilling and terrifying at the same time. It is exciting and thrilling to think about what these kids will be capable of in the future, with the right instruction. It is terrifying to think about overhauling the education system. Change is always terrifying.

Anyway, I've rambled enough for my first posting.